CELTA Preparation Modules
Course assessment
The CELTA course covers the principles of effective teaching, and gives you a range of teaching techniques and practical experience. You get hands-on teaching practice and observation of experienced teachers, and you’ll apply your learning by delivering communicative teaching with English language learners.
How you will be assessed
You will be assessed throughout the course and there is no final examination.
The two types of assessment are:
Teaching practice
You will teach for a total of 6 hours, working with adult classes at a minimum of two levels of ability. Assessment is based on your overall performance.
Written assignments
You will complete four written assignments (each 750–1,000 words). These focus on:
analysing and responding to adult learner needs
analysing language for teaching purposes
teaching language skills
reflecting on classroom teaching
Your teaching practice and written assignments are assessed by your trainers during the course. Your trainers will discuss your progress with you, including in at least two one-to-one tutorials, so you should have a good idea of your strengths and areas to focus on.

How you will be assessed
There are four possible grades for CELTA:
pass A
pass B
At the end of your course you will be given a candidate report form, which will give your provisional grade.
Cambridge English will issue your certificate when grades have been confirmed. Certificates are usually despatched about eight weeks after the completion of the course. The certificate will state your name, grade, the centre number where you took the course and the date of the award.
There is no mention of the modality of the course (F2F or Online) on the CELTA Certificate.